Feedback on your coaching journey so far?...
"My coaching has been fantastic. Nothing is ever too much trouble. The guidance, support and answering my 107907 questions has been brilliant. It took a lot for me to come and join/ask for help, I don’t like change… but I am so glad I did!"
Feedback on your coaching journey so far?...
"I know this is a bit cringe but has made my life so much better. Obviously, it has come with being fitter, stronger etc. But uni is better, I’m happier and I have SO many more good days than bad."
Click above image to view video testimonial
The beauty of our 8 week SGPT trials isn't the improvements in body compositions, the baggier clothes, sky rocketing energy and improvement in your day to day activities...
It's the fact you can't and won't stop telling everyone you know how much HAPPIER you are, how you weren't really into the gym before and now you can't believe you come 2-3 times a week regularly and actually look forward to it.
Secretly it's the side glances in the mirrors you see day to day and hit with wow don't you look confident, smiley, even glowy! Bonus you look and feel better and more confident in your clothes.
Trust me when I say we aren't magic here at KL it's nothing to do with us coaches. It's the community of like minded individuals striving for the same goal... Happiness and consistency in bettering themselves and health, championing each other.
We just help turn the sails if we both see choppy waves ahead. You do the work, you become confident in being able to do the work too.
Don't believe us? Take their word for it....